

--[ clan rogue. ]--

I'm one of the co-admins of the fine clan -=RoGuE=-. Not that I'm so sure the clan still is alive, as noone seems to give a f*ck. Too bad really.
Anyway, if you want more information, go to clan -=RoGuE=- home.

--[ my game. ]--

I'm one of the few ppl who use sazx to move instead of wasd or esdf, and I honestly think my way is better. I've got no real reason to think that, but that has never stopped me. ;)
Much of my game is based on movement. I constantly hog the big bonuses by timing, and I've been known to rocketjump at times. This style of play is more suited for 1on1's then for a ten-player ffa, so 1on1's what I'm good at. Especially on The Edge. (The best level ever made)


everything on this site is copyright (c) Markus Persson, 1999