

--[ about the applets. ]--

All of theese applets are freeware (not to be confused with public domain). If you would like to have the .class-files and some instructions on how to use them, e-mail me, and I'll send it to you.
If you're really nice, I might even show you the .java if you ask nicelly. ;)

--[ dungeoncrawl. ]--

DungeonCrawl is an applet I did just to test a few "2.5D" optimizations I thought of. It worked pretty well, so I started making a new graphics-engine in pascal based on this engine.
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--[ explorer. ]--

Umm.. I really don't know how to explain this.. It's an infinitly zooming map-thingie. Pseudo-fractals. Umm..
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--[ fire. ]--

Now, this is pretty neat. It's not the best looking fire out there, and probably not even close to being the fastest one either, but I still think it's neat. ;)
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--[ hlmenu. ]--

This is probably the most advanced applet I've ever made. It's a parsed treeview link- gizmo-thingie.
The original version was just a normal menu where the options lit up as you moved the mouse over them, like the menus in half-life. Thus the name "hlmenu". Oooh. Brainy.
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--[ pong. ]--

I coulnd't resist.
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--[ mince. ]--

MinCE (don't ask) is a minesweeper-clone. The first 100% event-driven applet I ever did. It's pretty solid. And slow.
[Show me]


everything on this site is copyright (c) Markus Persson, 1999